Operational eco-efficiency

Farmer involvement is essential for the Campo Limpo System effectiveness. In the picture, a farmer from Contenda (PR).

GRI 103-2, 103-3 and 305-5

As the managing entity of the Campo Limpo System, inpEV seeks to continuously advance in ensuring ever more sustainable and efficient processes and facilities.


The environmental benefits of the System’s activities are assessed annually by means of an eco-efficiency study conducted by the Espaço Eco Foundation, an organization specializing on assessing impacts and life cycles. The study compares the current real scenario with a hypothetical situation in which the reverse logistics program does not exist, as was the case in 2002, year in which it was structured. Between 2002 and 2019, the System’s activities avoided emitting 752,658 tons of carbon equivalent (CO2eq) into the atmosphere. In case it did not exist and these emissions had occurred, it would be necessary to plant around 5.4 million trees to offset this.

The life cycle study reinforces the role of the System in promoting circular production operations, thus increasing to maximum productivity the usage and reuse capacity of goods and natural resources, keeping them in the economy and generating value, besides reducing the demand for fresh raw materials (read more on Circular Economy in, About the Campo Limpo System).

This calculation is updated every year and, every four years, the methodology is revised to maintain it in line with international packaging life cycle assessment standards. The environmental benefits of proper packaging disposal and recycling are considered, besides the calculation of the impact of the System’s operations, such as water and energy consumption of the receiving units and the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the logistics phase.

It is worth pointing out that all receiving units have operational and environmental licenses as well an operational license issued by the Fire Department. By means of the Implantar program, inpEV leverages the adoption of good operational practices, including social and environmental issues at the units. The program considers several indicators and, every year, acknowledges the 20 top ranked central stations. Among the practices to make the System facilities and processes more efficient, it is also worth highlighting the definition of the sustainable receiving station model. In 2019, the new Placas (BA) central station was built following these guidelines.



In 2019, inpEV received NBR ISO 9001:2015 recertification, a standard that deals with quality management in organizations, attesting to the Institute’s adherence to best practices that guarantee the safety of processes, especially for employees of the receiving units.

This was the ninth audit cycle, which included for the first time the receiving station of Placas, in Barreiras (BA), inaugurated in 2019, and the receiving station of Uberaba (MG). Besides these two units, the recertification scope covered the central stations of Boa Vista do Incra (RS), Rondonópolis (MT), Taubaté (SP), Unaí (MG) and Uruçuí (PI). The receiving, segregation, processing, storage and packaging shipment to final destination processes were verified. The recertification also considered the inpEV processes for receiving station management, logistics phase and packaging final destination.

ENERGY AND WATER GRI 302-1 and 303-1

In 2019, 397 GJ of electric power were consumed at the inpEV headquarters and seven receiving stations under the Institute’s management: Taubaté (SP), Unaí (MG), Uruçuí (PI), Alto Parnaíba (MA), Boa Vista do Incra (RS), Rondonópolis (MT) and the Placas receiving station, in Barreiras (BA), inaugurated in the beginning of 2019.

Of the 197 GJ consumed by the seven receiving stations, 169 GJ were purchased via the power concessionaire and 28 GJ generated at the Unaí central station, which has a photovoltaic system since the end of 2018 - roughly 94% of the total consumed at that station in 2019 was generated at the unit itself. With this measure, there was an 86% reduction in electric power expenditure at Unaí.

The energy intensity, which is equivalent to the total electric energy used to dispose of 1 kg of empty packages, corresponded to 63.1 J/kg of disposed packaging.

With regard to water consumption, the inpEV headquarters and the Rondonópolis (MT) central station used water supplied by the city, while all other receiving stations rely on artesian wells. It should be noted that, due to the nature of the activities of the receiving stations, water consumption is low. All effluent discharge consists of domestic sewage and is collected by the public network.

The Rondonópolis station consumed 494 liters in 2019. It is not possible to report the consumption of the other stations since monitoring is still not done, nor consumption at the inpEV office since measurements are not individualized.