
The National Institute for Processing Empty Packages (inpEV) presents its 2019 Sustainability Report, including the main results of the year for the Institute and the Campo Limpo System. Once again, this publication follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Essential option. The reporting cycle is annual and the previous report was released in May of 2019. This report covers the period from January 1st to December 31st of 2019. GRI 102-50, 102-52 and 102-54

The legal reporting presented in this report is structured based upon eight material topics identified as the most relevant in the last materiality matrix done by inpEV, which was concluded in 2017 and counted with the participation of internal and external stakeholders and was validated by the Executive Board (see more starting on page 24). The indicators consider the matrix and the central stations under inpEV management – exceptions are always duly noted. With the ongoing process of the Institute incorporating some central stations, some indicators could not be updated for this new scope, which is duly indicated under each indicator. GRI 102-49

The financial statements, presented in the last section of this publication, were externally verified by PwC.